Description: Explore learning with AR3DBear is an edtech company built on world class Finnish principles. 3DBear provides a tool for learning higher order skills via 3D design in augmented reality (AR). Our solution has been developed in Finland – the best educational system in the world.We have lesson plans available for pre-K, elementary schools, middle schools and libraries in ELA, Social Studies, Math, Science, Coding, Design Thinking, Computational Thinking, and STEM/STEAM. Students learn these skills through such engaging activities as creating a colony in Mars, redesigning your school, re-enacting historical scenes, creative storytelling, learning about 3D math, coding a castle, creating smart cities and learning social- and emotional skills in AR. 3DBear offices are located in Helsinki, Finland (HQ) and NYC, US.

Industry: Education


Company size: 1-10 employees

XRD rank: 2518900

Headquarter: Helsinki, Southern Finland

Ownership: Private company

Founded year: 2016

Skillset: App, Education, Augmented Reality, 3D design, storytelling, and redesign spaces

Crunchbase profile:

Funding rounds total: 4

Selected investors: Oppiva Invest

Location: –