Description: HARK Connect provides the world’s most advanced qual tech platform, for groups, one-on-ones and UX designs. It provides a wide range of new features including real-time transcription (with sub-titles and respondent info on screen), a patent-pending Virtual Glass™ augmented reality platform, fast clip extraction for creating video reels and a wide variety of cutting edge research tools for clients and moderators. Hark Connect also has a new suite of biometric and nonconscious methods on the way and new approaches for qual data management. Hark Connect is Qual for the digital age.
Industry: Marketing
Company size: 1-10 employees
XRD rank: –
Headquarter: Austin, Texas
Ownership: Private company
Founded year: 2019
Skillset: –
Crunchbase profile: –
Funding rounds total: –
Selected investors: –
Location: Austin, Texas 78753, US