Description: Technological Solution Provider. Marketing Lab Digital Services are designed to give the technological platforms and support for your brand’s marketing campaigns, promotions, communication, etc.Our core business:SMS (Short Message Service) is a powerful solution wich can take your brand to the next level in means of Promotion & Communication via SMS messaging. We can quickly enable Short Codes (i.e. 33777) for your brand’s promotion or simply help you with massive SMS campaigns. Now it is also possible to use WhatsApp te same way as SMS for promotions and communication with clients, loyalty programs, etc. using our platform.Unlimited National and International Calls. Make your promotions more attractive for the participants by giving them free unlimited calls as the base prize. Everybody is a winner, they can make free international calls and they will hear one or two spots from your brand before executing their calls.FineLine. Our Animation & PostProduction Studio. Augmented Reality. This is a great way for your clients to interact with your products. We enable mobile devices (iOS $ Android) to recognize your packaging, logo, product, etc. and start an interactive experience for your clients just by showing to the device’s camera an object, image, card or whatever you want to be the trigger.Social Networks and Newspapers Monitoring. Listen to what people is saying about your brand, products, services, competitors, etc. and easily take actions about it.Consulting and Quality of Service are the principal axes of Marketing Lab Digital. Our working method is designed to achieve great services at a considerably lower price than you will find out there.

Industry: Marketing


Company size: 1-10 employees

XRD rank: –

Headquarter: Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal

Ownership: Private company

Founded year: 2012

Skillset: Promotion, Communication, SMS messaging, Digital Marketing, Mobile Apps, iOS, Android, Augmented Reality, VOIP Calls, Social Networks Monitoring, Animation, Animación, Post Production, Post Producción, and WhatsApp

Crunchbase profile: –

Funding rounds total: –

Selected investors: –

Location: –