Description: NEXT-BIM® is a new brand from ASSORIA company dedicated to the BIM activity. NEXT-BIM® Explorer is a software solution that allows you to explore in 3D and in cooperative mode a BIM file in IFC or Revit® format on the Microsoft HoloLens® mixed reality device.NEXT-BIM® Explorer offers the opportunity for its users to fully immerse themselves in a future construction project, current or past. In addition to its immersive rendering that facilitates understanding for all actors, it is also very effective to analyse complex situations little or not visible on traditional plans or 3D views on screens. It thus facilitates management and communication around the construction throughout its life span: Pre-project diagnostic, project review, facility management are just some of the common use cases answered by NEXT-BIM® Explorer.
Industry: IT
Company size: 1-10 employees
XRD rank: –
Headquarter: Montpellier, Occitanie
Ownership: Private company
Founded year: –
Skillset: Microsoft HoloLens, BIM , IFC, and REVIT
Crunchbase profile: –
Funding rounds total: –
Selected investors: –
Location: Montpellier, Occitanie 34000, FR