Description: Rezetopia is a social media website for amateur and professional soccer players.It was registered in January 2018 aiming at encouraging young men to be engaged in a real game, real challenge and real social network.The bigger picture of the application and the website is to create a parallel world of virtual reality where people can socialize and play out of their cell phones.Also,players get points, and level up based on the number of matches they play as well as the matches’​ results.Thus,They can challenge each other on their points.Furthermore,they get enrolled in teams ,they get their CV upgraded as well.

Industry: Marketing


Company size: 11-50 employees

XRD rank: –

Headquarter: Sheraton, Cairo

Ownership: Partnership

Founded year: 2018

Skillset: Website, Sport, Social media, Advertising, E-commerce, and Booking

Crunchbase profile: –

Funding rounds total: –

Selected investors: –

Location: Sheraton, Cairo 11799, EG