Description: Our personalized learning and mentoring environment is designed to address the large and rapidly growing STEM job gap. The number of students who pursue STEM courses of study has not kept pace with the industry demand for graduates in these disciplines. Further, among those who do pursue STEM disciplines, the rate of attrition is high, leading to a STEM career gap that is growing at an alarming rate. As classroom diversity increases, the gap widens, which leads to our belief that a more inclusive, individualized approach is warranted.At RiverRock Learning, we believe that we can significantly improve student’s mastery of STEM material and the retention rate in STEM course of study across all populations, especially those that are underrepresented. As a result there will be a larger and more diverse pool of candidates for STEM careers. With our personalized learning and mentoring environment, we can now ensure that each student has the material they need, when they need it and where they need it in a format that is appropriate, relevant and engaging to that individual student.Our solution utilizes augmented reality, gamification and other digital technologies as a complement, not as a substitute, to the course’s current material. It is a personal, hands-free learning and mentoring environment that fosters complete mastery of subject matter; has the ability to learn who the student is and what individualized, specific solutions are required. , Our system addresses obstacles such as native language, reading level, previous gaps in mastered material and more. It also makes the material relevant and appropriate to the student; enabling them to see themselves in associated professions

Industry: E-Learning


Company size: 1-10 employees

XRD rank: –

Headquarter: Rochester, NY

Ownership: Private company

Founded year: 2015

Skillset: –

Crunchbase profile: –

Funding rounds total: –

Selected investors: –

Location: Rochester, NY 14623, US