Telemedicine features
The socio-economic impact of telemedicine is no longer to be proven.
Augmented reality is a strong tool used for medical teaching at distance and digital healthcare learning and training, not to mention remote consultations and teleassistance.
XR Doctor connects both paradigms
Clinical case holograms
Holographic images to help you examine and diagnose, consult and show, draw attention and guide for each stage of education, training, or surgery execution
Virtual patient card and anatomy
You have everything for an effective remote work sessions (patient’s data, anatomy, and top-of-the-notch image visualization techniques)
Hologram tools and animation
Look inside the body, scale indefinitely, rotate, and apply measurements to dive into the specific clinical case. Run the animations and assess the case even deeper.
Remote connection for up to 8 people
We make sure that you see what your colleagues/clients see. Real-time, everything is synchronized, nothing-to-little latency